Happy Birthday to Octavia Butler!

Happy birthday to one of our mothers of science fiction! from link

It’s science fiction grand dame Octavia Butler‘s birthday! What better time to celebrate her pioneering works than on what would have been her seventy-first birthday? (Incidentally, Google has celebrated her with a Doodle as well!)

You’ll find a complete list of Butler’s books here. Looking for one to bring home today? You’ll find KindredClay’s Ark, and Seed to Harvest–the complete Patternist trilogy–on our shelves today. Prefer to read eBooks? You’ll find Butler’s works on both Hoopla and Media on Demand. Really want a book–but already read KindredClay’s Ark, and Seed to Harvest? Check the system! You’ll find many more novels–as well as additional formats–there. All it takes to get them is a quick request, and they’ll be on their way to you.

And did you know that Butler’s work will soon come to the small screen? It’s true! Ava DuVernay is adapting Dawn–from the Xenogenisus series–for television. Keep a weather eye out for developments!